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Modified KVIC Floating Dome with Water Jacket

  • Developed by the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) in India, a statutory body dedicated to promoting and advancing village industries in rural areas.
  • This digester efficiently converts organic waste into biogas, suitable for various applications such as cooking, heating, or electricity generation.
  • We have made necessary changes in its basic design & made it more user friendly.
  • The slurry residue derived from the digester serves as a nutrient-rich fertilizer, enhancing soil quality and supporting agricultural productivity.

CSTR Digester with External Mounted Mixers

  • Their continuous operation and versatility make them an efficient and reliable technology for biogas production.
  • External agitation system, Less maintenance as there is no moving part inside the digester. Entire agitation inside the digester is done with the help of slurry and biogas recirculation with imported pumps.
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MS CSTR Digester

These types of plants are suitable for 100 kg to 2000 kg biodegradable wet waste applicable for industrial canteen waste, hotel waste, housing society waste, hostel waste etc.

SPRERI Technology (Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute) Anand, Gujarat.

  • SPRERI has worked on waste management technologies, such as waste-to-energy systems and waste treatment processes. Developed technologies for converting organic waste into biogas or biofuels, contributing to waste management and renewable energy production.
  • We are the holders of SPRERI Bio-methanation Technology.
  • This patented technology emphasizes on putting only leachate to digester, which avoids many operational issues.
  • This is very fruitful technology for food waste-based plants. It has many Advantages over the trivial model.
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Biogas Upgradation System

Biogas upgradation is heart of any biogas CBG project unless and until the gas achieves said purity as per IS 16087 norms. We assure for consistent such required quality of CBG through our two-stage purification system.
1st stage will ensure H2S removal to permissible limits by biochemical method, this will also give elemental sulphur as by product. 2ND stage CO2 removal comprises of high-pressure water scrubbing & as amines scrubbing as per situation demand.

Bio – PROM - A Viable and Sustainable Substitute

  • PROM is Phosphate Rich Organic Manure
  • PROM is produced by bio digested from Biogas plants with rock phosphate
  • Addition of phosphate solubilizing microorganism enhances the effect.
  • Research efforts since last 16 years show that PROM is as efficient as any other chemical phosphoric fertilizer
  • It shows equal residual effect.
  • PROM is in the FCO since 2012.
  • We got patented culture from BAIF, Pune for fast & better conversion of rock phosphate yielding much better results.
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Prefabricated Biogas Plant

  • Ready to install 2 cum prefabricated biogas plant with thermal application for domestic use.
  • Daily 40 – 50 kg dung feeding requirement for cooking one small family food.
  • Made up of HDPE since no leakages and rusting.
  • It is a portable plant therefore easy to installed and maintain.
  • Government subsidy available.