SKM Egg Products Export Ltd.


SKM poultry is having 10 Lakh bird’s waste every day and they have to manage the 100 tones of waste daily basis, also the waste spread so may odor in atmosphere. The people who live in nearby areas are very frustrated to odor and bird’s feathers. Mostly in rainy season is identified that the birds having bacterial infections happen due to the its waste. Waste as a fertiliser and sale to direct farmers but practically farmers are not ready to used it due to odor and high in nitrogen and phosphorous.


When the Urja Biosystems enters in the pictures, considered all the problems and found a best customised solution for the SKM poultry. Urja Build a super platform where they got solution on daily waste produced, using the anaerobic digestive method (Biogas plant). It was help them not only in waste but also Urja gives them an independent source of power which is produced from the poultry litter to biogas-based plant and it generate 250 kW per day for captive purpose. Also gives them 10 to 15 tons/day organic fertiliser solution from the daily waste and it is be ready to use in agriculture. They are replaced 8 tons of coals per day, which is used for processing unts. After installation the plant SKM poultry got rupees 82 lakh subsidy under MNRE scheme.


Godrej Agrovet Pvt Ltd. (Maximilk)


Godrej Agrovet Pvt Ltd. is India’s leading milk produced dairy farm, they are having cows project in Nashik, Maharashtra. Running the cost are faced a raised production cost issue while running the farm. And they were facing economic instability to run the plant.


Considering and working on the Godrej Agrovet Pvt Ltd problem Urja gives them solution for their independency in captive power consumption. We were installed 12 TPD plant and generate 100 kW power every day, it uses for their dairy farm. Also, they have 12 tons of cow dung produced every day it converted in to 2 tons of organic fertiliser every day and ready to use for agriculture. Godrej Agrovet Pvt Ltd is now selling the organic fertilisers to the farmers and also minimised their production cost. Now they are proudly saying “we ware economically stable after getting Urja’s solutions”. After installation the plant Godrej Agrovet Pvt Ltd got rupees 40 lakh subsidy under MNRE scheme.


Akola Municipal Corporation


Akola Municipal Corporation were facing issues related to wet waste manage and its dispose. They were facing lots of odors spread in society and environment was unhealthy.


Urja Biosystem gave a solution on the Akola Municipal Corporation 20 ton per day municipal waste that they can be generate the biogas from the wet waste and use that gas for power application and this power used for their captive purpose. It helps to Akola Municipal Corporation to dispose every day’s waste and also independency while running the RDF plant.